Friday 18 September 2020

Paper 1 Q1 DIRT Sheet

 Question 1,   6/10

Q1. What did you need to add to get full marks for each question?  Which bits did you leave out?

1. Other Articles, don't stay focused on one

2. Indentity of the newspaper, what are their usual views?

3. How does this represent the readers indentities?

What do you need to focus on when revising for news next time? Any part of newspaper language you will need to focus on more? Are you clear on the political and Brexit messages in all main UK papers?

I need to work on my timings, I have the knowledge I just cannot get it onto paper fast enough.

What improvement will you implement in your next revision/assessment? What areas do you need to revise more thoroughly

I will make sure to include more representations by practicing analysing covers faster, and writing practice questions.

Wednesday 6 May 2020

Music Video Essay

Music Video Essay

Explain how representations in music videos are chosen to promote the artist(s). Refer to one of the music videos you have studied to support your answer. [10] 

A good demonstration of the use of representation to promote an artist is Corrine Bailey Rae’s music video for her song ‘Where You Are’. The video is centred around the CBR discovering people who are dealing with hardships and empowering them to be themselves and be happy. Bailey Rae is portrayed as a guardian angel for those who are judged and oppressed. 
    This can be seen in the multiple mid shots of CBR, in which the angle is lowered to portray her as powerful. A natural backlight using the sunlight from the location has been used to create a halo effect around Bailey Rae, whilst also separating her from the background. This imagery connotes the idea of a biblical being, whether that be a saint, angel, or the lord himself. They have all been drawn with a heavenly light surrounding them. The foreground is dimly light highlighting the halo image as well as conveying the message that she can bring light (happiness) from the darkness (hard times). Therefore, this promotes CBR as a champion of the people using the power of her music to do good for the general public.
     Another scene also represents Bailey Rae as a powerful person. This long shot has again been taken from a low angle, in the scene a group of teenagers are running with angry expressions on their faces. CBR lifts her arms and the teenagers slow down whilst she continues to move at a regular pace, whilst she sings the lyrics “Stop where you are…”. The slow motion editing here paired with the unedited clip or CBR creates the effect that she is able to slow down time in order to let them calm down and enjoy the moment, this is the same message that the lyrics convey. The use of teenage actors of all different ethnicities also shows that she is willing to help everyone using her music regardless of racial identity. It also shows that grief and sadness does not discriminate, everyone has something to feel negatively about. These messages combined promotes CBR as a woman who understands that despite cultural divides we are all in need of help in our own lives.

    One scene that excludes CBR however still manages to positively promote her using representation is in the last third of the video.It shows a young boy standing on the roof of a building, the shot is a long shot at an extremely low angle. The buildings shape gives an interesting symmetry, It is reminiscent of the shape of a thrown, the symmetry also allows the young black boy to become the focal point of the shot. This makes the boy appear powerful and ominous. It shows he is the king of his world, he has power over his own life, (another message shown in the lyrics). The representation of the black child as a king is a countertype and goes beyond the hegemony of today’s society. In turn this promotes CBR as an advocate endorsing different ethnicities or even different aged people in the powerful positions of the world rather than the usual hegemonic group.

(Was orginally on my music video google slide however, it is easieer to find if I post it seperatly)

Friday 27 March 2020

DIRT Industry and Audience

Improvements for the next Jungle Book assessment:

Include the changes in economy between the two time periods. Talk about streaming platforms as the reason why the 2016 JB could not provide multiple dvd releases. Disney plus would be relevant to mention.
Adjustments made to a modern 2016 audience.
Work on Timings.
Context on how disney became a ever growing conglomerate, as well as the importance of back catalogue, remakes refer to other live actin adaptions.

Improvements for the next Radio 1 assessment:

Reference RAJAR figures and the use of phones verses radio, and with that the use of social media - facebook, twitter, insta, youtube - and podcasts etc.
Refer to specific examples in our studied radio 1 programme.
The controllers job to maintain audiences, radio 1 controller

Monday 23 March 2020

The Big Issue

The Big Issue

Key Terms:
Circulation = number of copies a magazine sells
Readership = total mass number of those who like to read it
Mass Audience = readership on a very large scale 
Niche Audience = narrow group of readers with particular interests
Subscription = a reader pays for copies at set interval with low prices

Masthead = title of magazine

Plug = text that 'plugs' a feature inside
Puff = a story that is given prominence on the cover
Cover Star = 'star' featured on cover
Anchorage text = text that gives image meaning
Banner = text that runs across the lower section
Skyline = text that runs across the top section


70% of income through advertising.
Small circulation magazines depend more on advertising.

The Big Issue

  • Most circulated street newspaper.
  • Hybrid genre (social business and entertainment) 
  • Entertainment attracts ad revenue
  • Editorial content, critical of big businesses, banking and champions the political cause and role  of the individual in society.
  • £2.50, £1.25 to trader. 
  • 2000 vendors
  • 200< mill copies sold. 
  • Inspired a network of 120 similar magazines
  • Primary objective
  • Independent publication, offer public service, solve social issues
First published in 1991, The Big Issues tend to use the "David and Goliath" narrative and is often criticised for their flashy commercial style for street newspaper. John Bird and Gordon Roddrick's initial goal was to give the homeless a legitimate way of earning money. John Bird MBE remains the editor in chief, he continues to write a column in the back of the magazine.

Bird was homeless at 5, in orphanages at 7 till 10, had a spell in prisons as a teen, slept in the streets of London till his late 20's. He also launched The Big Issue Foundation. The Body Shop donated £25000 to The Big Issue for its initial launch. They sold 300,000 copies in 2001. Sales declined so they relaunched with a new look and columnist Joey Barton. Most vendors are homeless males 18 -56.

"Ethical Capitalism" - John Bird 

Ethical Definition 
- relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.

Capitalism Definition
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. 

Analyse Tips

Language:                         Representation:                                      More Language:
Intertextuality                   DRCAGES               SOCIAL                Font
CLAMPS                          People                                                    Institutional Information
Camera                              Places                      POLITICAL          Price
Layout                               Ideas                                                       Bar Codes
Mise en scene                                                    CULTURAL          Power of words
Images / Graphics                                                                             Logo
Title / Words and Phrases

Friday 24 January 2020

The Jungle Book Group Essays

Thursday 23 January 2020


Newspaper PPE

Grade: A
Mark : 32/50

1) 15/15
     Daily Mail Masthead could link to their news values.

2) 11/15
Talk about political views, Corbyn V Cameron
Syrian / Yemen
Women - femail
White men
Lack of diversity
Bell hooks, Gilray, Butler, Gauntlett.

3) 1/10
Only technology!!!
 Do not talk about re-branding
Technology positives eg. no waste /portable /archive /wider audience

4) 5/10
 Shirky Audience
Citizen journalism
Images of events, catastrophe, weather etc
Fake news
Ordinary people competing with the newspapers.

Next assessment:

Next time I will focus more on Industry as it was my lowest scoring question. I will gather examples of citizen journalism or events that have been shown through images or videos from ordinary individuals.

In the next assessment I will have a better understanding of Shirky and representation theorists other than Stuart Hall and Van Zoonen. I will also trust my knowledge and understanding of the questions more, in order to not hinder myself from gaining extra marks.

Monday 13 January 2020

Daily Mail Evaluation

Daily Mail Evaluation 

The task was to create a Daily Mail front cover using past articles that had been in the news. Our target audience was that of the Daily Mail, middle aged, low/middle class (C2 D E), women. Upon looking at a plethora of front covers I noticed that a give away or perhaps voucher was always present in order to attract those of a lower class. The stories were a mix between hard and soft news, the Daily Mail had their own custom font, gaps were rare ( text and images filled the sheet from top to bottom). Usually the image on the right was not relevant to the headline, it was a smaller soft news story.

Choosing a headline to fit the allocated space as best as possible was the most harrowing task. As well as individually typing and spacing out each letter to the right size and placing it in the right space to fill said space.
For a first look into creating a front page I believe my cover was quiet successful. Any criticism i received was based on the headline filling the allocate space to the highest degree. Next time I will choose an easier article that allows me to come up with a short sweet and maybe slightly comical headline for my front page. However,  the skills and creativity I used to construct the giveaway advert were rather refined in my first attempt. Therefore, I would keep that as is.
Prior to this task I had not noticed how often give aways and vouchers were featured in the front page.

I used the following image as my main source of inspiration.

Image result for daily mail front cover"

Daily Mail Front Cover

Friday 3 January 2020

News Theorists

News Theorists

Stuart Hall

  • Stereotypes are used and created by the media. 
  • Ethnic Minorities are portrayed as dangerous.
  • Dominant hegemonic groups.
  • Stereotypes formed as a result of inequality of power.
  • Representation of "Other" people tend to be stereotypical.

Dominant Ideology 

The dominant group that holds positions of power within social institutions ( owns production of cultural products. )
 --- Middle aged ; Caucasian ; Male ; Heterosexual ; Able bodied .

Van Zoonen

  •  Discourse is the communication from the media 
  • Historical cultural context change ideas about gender 
  • Women are objectified  in the media 
  •  Patriarchal culture 
  • Domestic//emotional // nurturing