Friday 3 January 2020

News Theorists

News Theorists

Stuart Hall

  • Stereotypes are used and created by the media. 
  • Ethnic Minorities are portrayed as dangerous.
  • Dominant hegemonic groups.
  • Stereotypes formed as a result of inequality of power.
  • Representation of "Other" people tend to be stereotypical.

Dominant Ideology 

The dominant group that holds positions of power within social institutions ( owns production of cultural products. )
 --- Middle aged ; Caucasian ; Male ; Heterosexual ; Able bodied .

Van Zoonen

  •  Discourse is the communication from the media 
  • Historical cultural context change ideas about gender 
  • Women are objectified  in the media 
  •  Patriarchal culture 
  • Domestic//emotional // nurturing

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