Friday 18 September 2020

Paper 1 Q1 DIRT Sheet

 Question 1,   6/10

Q1. What did you need to add to get full marks for each question?  Which bits did you leave out?

1. Other Articles, don't stay focused on one

2. Indentity of the newspaper, what are their usual views?

3. How does this represent the readers indentities?

What do you need to focus on when revising for news next time? Any part of newspaper language you will need to focus on more? Are you clear on the political and Brexit messages in all main UK papers?

I need to work on my timings, I have the knowledge I just cannot get it onto paper fast enough.

What improvement will you implement in your next revision/assessment? What areas do you need to revise more thoroughly

I will make sure to include more representations by practicing analysing covers faster, and writing practice questions.

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