Thursday 23 January 2020


Newspaper PPE

Grade: A
Mark : 32/50

1) 15/15
     Daily Mail Masthead could link to their news values.

2) 11/15
Talk about political views, Corbyn V Cameron
Syrian / Yemen
Women - femail
White men
Lack of diversity
Bell hooks, Gilray, Butler, Gauntlett.

3) 1/10
Only technology!!!
 Do not talk about re-branding
Technology positives eg. no waste /portable /archive /wider audience

4) 5/10
 Shirky Audience
Citizen journalism
Images of events, catastrophe, weather etc
Fake news
Ordinary people competing with the newspapers.

Next assessment:

Next time I will focus more on Industry as it was my lowest scoring question. I will gather examples of citizen journalism or events that have been shown through images or videos from ordinary individuals.

In the next assessment I will have a better understanding of Shirky and representation theorists other than Stuart Hall and Van Zoonen. I will also trust my knowledge and understanding of the questions more, in order to not hinder myself from gaining extra marks.

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