Friday 24 January 2020

The Jungle Book Group Essays

Thursday 23 January 2020


Newspaper PPE

Grade: A
Mark : 32/50

1) 15/15
     Daily Mail Masthead could link to their news values.

2) 11/15
Talk about political views, Corbyn V Cameron
Syrian / Yemen
Women - femail
White men
Lack of diversity
Bell hooks, Gilray, Butler, Gauntlett.

3) 1/10
Only technology!!!
 Do not talk about re-branding
Technology positives eg. no waste /portable /archive /wider audience

4) 5/10
 Shirky Audience
Citizen journalism
Images of events, catastrophe, weather etc
Fake news
Ordinary people competing with the newspapers.

Next assessment:

Next time I will focus more on Industry as it was my lowest scoring question. I will gather examples of citizen journalism or events that have been shown through images or videos from ordinary individuals.

In the next assessment I will have a better understanding of Shirky and representation theorists other than Stuart Hall and Van Zoonen. I will also trust my knowledge and understanding of the questions more, in order to not hinder myself from gaining extra marks.

Monday 13 January 2020

Daily Mail Evaluation

Daily Mail Evaluation 

The task was to create a Daily Mail front cover using past articles that had been in the news. Our target audience was that of the Daily Mail, middle aged, low/middle class (C2 D E), women. Upon looking at a plethora of front covers I noticed that a give away or perhaps voucher was always present in order to attract those of a lower class. The stories were a mix between hard and soft news, the Daily Mail had their own custom font, gaps were rare ( text and images filled the sheet from top to bottom). Usually the image on the right was not relevant to the headline, it was a smaller soft news story.

Choosing a headline to fit the allocated space as best as possible was the most harrowing task. As well as individually typing and spacing out each letter to the right size and placing it in the right space to fill said space.
For a first look into creating a front page I believe my cover was quiet successful. Any criticism i received was based on the headline filling the allocate space to the highest degree. Next time I will choose an easier article that allows me to come up with a short sweet and maybe slightly comical headline for my front page. However,  the skills and creativity I used to construct the giveaway advert were rather refined in my first attempt. Therefore, I would keep that as is.
Prior to this task I had not noticed how often give aways and vouchers were featured in the front page.

I used the following image as my main source of inspiration.

Image result for daily mail front cover"

Daily Mail Front Cover

Friday 3 January 2020

News Theorists

News Theorists

Stuart Hall

  • Stereotypes are used and created by the media. 
  • Ethnic Minorities are portrayed as dangerous.
  • Dominant hegemonic groups.
  • Stereotypes formed as a result of inequality of power.
  • Representation of "Other" people tend to be stereotypical.

Dominant Ideology 

The dominant group that holds positions of power within social institutions ( owns production of cultural products. )
 --- Middle aged ; Caucasian ; Male ; Heterosexual ; Able bodied .

Van Zoonen

  •  Discourse is the communication from the media 
  • Historical cultural context change ideas about gender 
  • Women are objectified  in the media 
  •  Patriarchal culture 
  • Domestic//emotional // nurturing