Monday 23 September 2019


The study of signs by Ferdinand de Saussure
Denotation is what we see when we look at a sign / image whereas, connation is what we understand from the sign / image we see. eg.
Here we see a blue letter 'E', this is the denotation. However we know this means the internet, this is the connation.

Stuart Hall came up with the terms; preferred reading, oppositional reading and negotiated reading.
Preferred reading is how the creator wants the audience to view the media text.
Oppositional reading is when the intended meaning of the text is totally opposed by the audience.
Negotiated reading is the middle ground between preferred and oppositional, the audience knows what the creator is intending to say however they might not agree with all of it. 

Here is an example of how semiotics are used in media:

In this TV drama poster there a many uses of semiotics. The most obvious one being the puppet strings holding up the girl in the center. Although they are just strings, the audience understands that it represents this girl being controlled by someone else, the girl is perceived as weak and powerless. Blood can be seen on the hands of the woman at the top of the poster. This relates to Shakespeare's Macbeth, in which bloody hands represents guilt and evil. To this day bloody hands is still a popular metaphor for guilt and evil. Red is heavily featured in this poster (in the girls dress, the blood and title), red indicates, anger; passion;love;power; determination and strength, From this the audience can assume all of which will be featured in the TV drama.

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