Thursday 12 September 2019


Movie Posters


This poster would represent a horror due to the dim lighting, the dark figure and the narrow alley way. The combination of the scary setting, lighting and wardrobe create an eerie atmosphere. A gun is used an icon to represent the danger and violence featured in horror films. Next time we could have another character/victim looking vulnerable and weak.


This photo represents a romance because of the couple showing affection by holding hands, the natural peaceful setting and the bright lighting which emulates a hopeful romantic feel. The Characters have an endearing expression with wide smiles, showing they have a strong fondness of each other. Next time we could incorporate romantic colour scheme, for example pink and red.


This photo represents a musical because of the use of a piano as a musical icon. The flamboyant pink sheet draping over the piano adds colour to the image and connotes the glamorous, over the top qualities associated with musicals. Next time we could use a different setting such as a stage, with icons like a microphone or stage lights instead.

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