Wednesday 25 September 2019

Practice Editing

Editing Practice

Camera shots



Contrapuntal/ parallel
Diegetic/ non diegetic
Off screen/ on screen
Voice over - thoughts, narration, establishing

In the beginning of this scene the sound of Nieman's footsteps is the only thing that can be heard this then contrasts with the explosive drumming when he immediately starts to play. The music throughout this scene reflects the emotions of the characters.When the drums become quiet Nieman is calm and sees Fletcher is accepting him. When the drums are fast paced and loud Nieman is angry, the trombone represents Fletcher's emotions. The two instruments have a back and forth conflict as the two characters fight for power.

Monday 23 September 2019

Mise En Scene

Mise En Scene

- a french term meaning what is put into scene or frame. It communicates essential information to the audience such as time and place. Mise en scene includes everything you see on screen, in front of the camera. 

Costume - Tells us the time period/society/culture.
Lighting - Highlights characters/objects, can portray the mood of the scene.
Actors - Shows emotion,/ relationship towards other characters.
Makeup - Acts as an indicator to the characters personality/status/job
Props - They can highlight the genre or reveal a key part of the story line.
Setting - Can manipulate an audience by building expectations and taking a different turn.

Lighting :

Low key/ uses only back lights, produces sharp contrast of light and dark as well as shadows and silhouettes.
High key/ more filler lights are used, lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes, produces bright sets and a sunny day.
Natural/ uses natural lighting from the surroundings.

Positioning within a Frame:

- Directors will position actors at a key focal point for example, placing an actor in the centre of a frame with other actors either side of them, could signify that this man holds a great deal of power over the others. It also adds symmetry to the frame in order to make the middle actor the centre of attention.

Also, in a frame the director can use positioning to indicate a specific relationships between the characters for example, in one image we have two actors, they have a close proximity. This reflects their close relationship most likely a romantic one as suggested by their body language. In the other image the actors are far apart suggesting they do not get along with one another.

Image result for titanic scene

Image result for matrix neo and smith


The study of signs by Ferdinand de Saussure
Denotation is what we see when we look at a sign / image whereas, connation is what we understand from the sign / image we see. eg.
Here we see a blue letter 'E', this is the denotation. However we know this means the internet, this is the connation.

Stuart Hall came up with the terms; preferred reading, oppositional reading and negotiated reading.
Preferred reading is how the creator wants the audience to view the media text.
Oppositional reading is when the intended meaning of the text is totally opposed by the audience.
Negotiated reading is the middle ground between preferred and oppositional, the audience knows what the creator is intending to say however they might not agree with all of it. 

Here is an example of how semiotics are used in media:

In this TV drama poster there a many uses of semiotics. The most obvious one being the puppet strings holding up the girl in the center. Although they are just strings, the audience understands that it represents this girl being controlled by someone else, the girl is perceived as weak and powerless. Blood can be seen on the hands of the woman at the top of the poster. This relates to Shakespeare's Macbeth, in which bloody hands represents guilt and evil. To this day bloody hands is still a popular metaphor for guilt and evil. Red is heavily featured in this poster (in the girls dress, the blood and title), red indicates, anger; passion;love;power; determination and strength, From this the audience can assume all of which will be featured in the TV drama.

Friday 13 September 2019

Mood Board

Mood Board


Summer work

Deutschland 83’

At the start we see real footage from the Cold War in 1983. Showing the audience, the following events are based around true events. The clips are slightly blurry and haven’t been edited to be clearer, in my opinion this highlights the age and authenticity of the videos. In order to highlight the authenticity and era of this drama.
In the trailer, the director shows many close ups, for example the close up of the three men walking in a row. In this frame you can only see the feet and legs of the men, this has been done to create questions in the minds of the audience. The curiosity persuades the audience to watch the series as intend by the director.
Throughout the video we see a contrast between the east and west via the costume. In one frame the lead actor wears a German soldier’s uniform whilst on the other side he wears an 80’s red puma t-shirt. The formal dull uniform placed against the casual red shirt creates an obvious contrast in order to highlight the character’s skill at changing drastically when undercover.
Between the contrasting shots, a line has been edited to join the two scenes together, this line is most likely a representation of the Berlin Wall.
An 80’s disco track is playing in the background reflecting the era the series is set in. When the tempo of the song and voice of the narration increases in pace the clips shown have been edited to do the same. This is in order to represent the rapid action in the short but frequent frames from Deutschland 83’.
There is a lot of harsh white lighting featured in this trailer. Possibly to indicate the harsh reality at the time, as the cold war in 1983 was at its peak.  In other frames, e.g. Where the lead actor is swaying whilst hugging a young woman the lighting has a blue tinge. Blue could represent peace and tranquillity amongst the chaotic action shown in the rest of the trailer. Both the blue and the white are cool toned colours, again representing the Cold War.

This Girl Can / Are you beach body ready?

In the “This girl can campaign” women of all shapes, sizes, ages, race and religion are included.  Many shots highlight aspects of their bodies that the “Are you beach body ready?” advert does not.  For example, a woman’s stomach is shown which throughout media has been represented as shameful to have fat in that area.  This campaign is representing women empowerment by representing ordinary women that are all different and showing women that their bodies are something to be proud of no matter what shape or size.
Unlike the “Are you beach body ready?” advert which shows a very slim Caucasian female with no physical disabilities. This ad has a large lack of representation and suggest that women must have that specific body type.
Additionally, these women are shown playing different sports and exercising, this promotes a healthy lifestyle to women. It also shows that girls are capable of doing sports and should be recognised for it. However, in the advert for a protein shake the model appears to be doing no exercise at all. This promotes unhealthy weight loss by suggesting women should just cut their diets without the proper exercise needed to successfully and safely loss weight.  As well as this it promotes the already common idea that women are weak and unable to exercise or do sport, whilst sexualising women by showing a still model in a small bikini. The women featured in the “this girl can” campaign are seen in regular workout clothes that cover most of their bodies which is a realistic portrayal of everyday women.

Image result for are you beach body ready

Image result for this girl can campaign

The Big Six
Warner Brothers  
20th century fox
Paramount pictures
Universal pictures
Sony Pictures
Walt Disney Studios 

The Big six may turn into the Big Five due to Disney’s persistence to purchase 20th century fox.

Warner Bros
Turner broadcasting system
Bleacher Representation


Movie from the past year:
IT chapter 2
Budget/ $60-70 million
Cast/ James Mcavoy, Bill Skarsgard, Finn Wolfhard
Ads/Trailers, Billboards, Social Media, interviews

20th century fox
Fox 2000
Fox searchlight productions
Fox Star studios
Zero day Fox
Regency enterprises
New Regency productions

Movie from the past year:
Bohemian Rhapsody
Budget/ $52 million
Cast/ Rami Malek, Mike Myers

Ads/Trailers, Billboards, Social Media, interviews, posters

Paramount pictures:
Paramount pictures home media
Paramount animation
Paramount players
Paramount television

Movie from the past year:
A Quiet Place
Budget/ $17 million
Cast/ Emily Blunt, John Krasinski
Ads/Trailers, Billboards, Social Media, interviews

Universal Pictures:
Amblin pictures
Jayward productions 
Amblin Entertainment
Universal pictures home entertainment

Movie from the past year:
Budget/ $20 million
Cast/ James Mcavoy, Samuel L Jackson
Ads/Trailers, Billboards, Social Media, interviews

Sony Pictures:
Sony electronics
Sony music
Sony financial services
Sony computer entertainment
Metro goldwyn mayer

Movie from the past year:
Budget/ $100 million
Cast/ Tom Hardy, Woody Harrelson 

Ads/Trailers, Billboards, Social Media, interviews

Walt Disney Studios:
Hollywood records
Vice media
The History channel
Touchstone pictures

Movie from the past year:
Budget/ $28 million
Cast/ Will Smith Naomi Scott Mena Massaud 

Ads/Trailers, Billboards, Social Media, interviews

Thursday 12 September 2019


Movie Posters


This poster would represent a horror due to the dim lighting, the dark figure and the narrow alley way. The combination of the scary setting, lighting and wardrobe create an eerie atmosphere. A gun is used an icon to represent the danger and violence featured in horror films. Next time we could have another character/victim looking vulnerable and weak.


This photo represents a romance because of the couple showing affection by holding hands, the natural peaceful setting and the bright lighting which emulates a hopeful romantic feel. The Characters have an endearing expression with wide smiles, showing they have a strong fondness of each other. Next time we could incorporate romantic colour scheme, for example pink and red.


This photo represents a musical because of the use of a piano as a musical icon. The flamboyant pink sheet draping over the piano adds colour to the image and connotes the glamorous, over the top qualities associated with musicals. Next time we could use a different setting such as a stage, with icons like a microphone or stage lights instead.