Wednesday 16 October 2019

Neale and Gerbner


Steve Neale states that genre is made of repetition and difference. Genre is defined by how much it conforms to the genres conventions and stereotypes. 
An example of Steve Neale's theory is shaun of the dead as all though it is a zombie horror it also features a lot of comedy.

For example, Joker, is a hybrid It has classic comic moments but also has aspects of a thriller or comedy. 

George Gerbner

 Cultivation theory
The idea that exposure to repeated patterns over a long period of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world. Media messages are directly injected but are built up by a series of repetition and enforcing the message.
key word - hegemony
For example, television messages about violence are likely to be especially resonant to an individual who lives in a city with a high-crime rate. Between the television message and the real-life crime rate, cultivation effects will be amplified, enhancing the belief that the world is a mean and scary place.

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