Friday 27 March 2020

DIRT Industry and Audience

Improvements for the next Jungle Book assessment:

Include the changes in economy between the two time periods. Talk about streaming platforms as the reason why the 2016 JB could not provide multiple dvd releases. Disney plus would be relevant to mention.
Adjustments made to a modern 2016 audience.
Work on Timings.
Context on how disney became a ever growing conglomerate, as well as the importance of back catalogue, remakes refer to other live actin adaptions.

Improvements for the next Radio 1 assessment:

Reference RAJAR figures and the use of phones verses radio, and with that the use of social media - facebook, twitter, insta, youtube - and podcasts etc.
Refer to specific examples in our studied radio 1 programme.
The controllers job to maintain audiences, radio 1 controller

Monday 23 March 2020

The Big Issue

The Big Issue

Key Terms:
Circulation = number of copies a magazine sells
Readership = total mass number of those who like to read it
Mass Audience = readership on a very large scale 
Niche Audience = narrow group of readers with particular interests
Subscription = a reader pays for copies at set interval with low prices

Masthead = title of magazine

Plug = text that 'plugs' a feature inside
Puff = a story that is given prominence on the cover
Cover Star = 'star' featured on cover
Anchorage text = text that gives image meaning
Banner = text that runs across the lower section
Skyline = text that runs across the top section


70% of income through advertising.
Small circulation magazines depend more on advertising.

The Big Issue

  • Most circulated street newspaper.
  • Hybrid genre (social business and entertainment) 
  • Entertainment attracts ad revenue
  • Editorial content, critical of big businesses, banking and champions the political cause and role  of the individual in society.
  • £2.50, £1.25 to trader. 
  • 2000 vendors
  • 200< mill copies sold. 
  • Inspired a network of 120 similar magazines
  • Primary objective
  • Independent publication, offer public service, solve social issues
First published in 1991, The Big Issues tend to use the "David and Goliath" narrative and is often criticised for their flashy commercial style for street newspaper. John Bird and Gordon Roddrick's initial goal was to give the homeless a legitimate way of earning money. John Bird MBE remains the editor in chief, he continues to write a column in the back of the magazine.

Bird was homeless at 5, in orphanages at 7 till 10, had a spell in prisons as a teen, slept in the streets of London till his late 20's. He also launched The Big Issue Foundation. The Body Shop donated £25000 to The Big Issue for its initial launch. They sold 300,000 copies in 2001. Sales declined so they relaunched with a new look and columnist Joey Barton. Most vendors are homeless males 18 -56.

"Ethical Capitalism" - John Bird 

Ethical Definition 
- relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.

Capitalism Definition
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. 

Analyse Tips

Language:                         Representation:                                      More Language:
Intertextuality                   DRCAGES               SOCIAL                Font
CLAMPS                          People                                                    Institutional Information
Camera                              Places                      POLITICAL          Price
Layout                               Ideas                                                       Bar Codes
Mise en scene                                                    CULTURAL          Power of words
Images / Graphics                                                                             Logo
Title / Words and Phrases