Monday 16 December 2019

Newspaper Audiences Homework

Newspaper Audiences 

The i:

The i newspaper is a concise compact quality tabloid and their news stories are without as much bias as possible. Therefore, suggests the target audience are most likely fillers that want quality hard news, people who want to make an informed decision themselves on want they think. Also based on their target audience statistics the i is mostly read by millennials.  This relates back to the physcographic of fillers. Millennials tend to be fillers as opposed to any other news physcographic. It is the 10th most popular newspaper amongst the age group.

Based on the advertisements published in The i, for example the Hertz luxury car hire advert on their website, we can infer that the i is targeted towards the A/B/ C1 demographics. However, the advertisement by McDonald’s contradicts this thought. Perhaps the i is aimed at university students as they tend to be avid lovers of fast food within the millennial age range. They fit the A / B / C1 demographic as well as the age range associated with the i’s content.  Luxury holidays are also advertised in their print newspaper, perhaps for gap years? Or for group holidays that are common amongst university students.

On a political stand point, the average reader of the i could be either right or left wing. The i’s political views remain as unbiased as possible. On the other hand, you could say they advocate for centralism, and therefore their readers would most likely be central themselves on the political scale. Parties such as the Liberal Democrats have a predominately central ideology.